Comrades; thank you for all your positive comments on the website. I'm so pleased you are finding its content both entertaining and useful. Thanks in particular to those who have contributed content to the blog pages.
On these pages you will find not only my opinions but those of well experienced hi-fi enthusiasts and music industry professionals. Sometimes I agree with their views, sometimes I dissent. What you can be sure of is that none of these blogs exist to sell you anything. They exist to show you different perspectives. Perspectives you probably haven't heard before. Perspectives that may well guide you to your own Audio Nirvana (perhaps with a little whisky enhancement).
It has been very gratifying for me to see so many folks get off the upgrade roundabout (spun by magazines and other marketing implements) and into really satisfying, low maintenance, high value systems that get out of the way of the music. Oscar Wilde said "everything popular is wrong". That is nowhere more true than in regards to hi-fi. And whisky, of course.
William Crampton